National Nuclear Laboratory

Position Papers

Nuclear fission technology is generally considered to be at a mature stage of development. However, there are still many advances in science and technology being made right across the fuel cycle.

These developments will help meet the challenges of future energy demands and security of supply. They will help make improvements in efficiency and safety of nuclear operations and clean-up. And they will also help in securing long term waste management solutions including disposal and in the area of radiological-nuclear threat reduction. 

NNL has many years experience of the nuclear fuel cycle and associated science and technology and is in an ideal position to advise decision makers on key topics which are important when considering the UK’s ability to meet these nuclear challenges.

NNL’s view on these topics is being set out as a series of Position Papers. These papers reflect our independent and authoritative view and are supported by underpinning studies.

UK Nuclear Horizons
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SMR Feasibility Study
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Thorium Fuel Cycle
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Accident Tolerant Fuel: A UK Perspective
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Advanced Reprocessing
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Minor Actinides Transmutation
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Boiling Water Reactors Position Paper
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Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection
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Fuel Cycle R&D to Safeguard Advanced Ceramic Fuel Skills
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Thermal Processes for Immobilising Intermediate Level Wastes
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