National Nuclear Laboratory


ReCLAIM v3.0.3 now released

ReCLAIM is an electronic spreadsheet tool developed by the National Nuclear Laboratory through funding from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (the NDA) that can undertake simple generic and site specific assessments of radioac

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Changing the Future of Decommissioning with Robotics

In order to help accelerate decommissioning and reduce costs, NNL has set up a project “Decommissioning: from telerobotics to teleautonomy”

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National Nuclear Laboratory and Studsvik Scandpower sign Agency Agreement

The UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) and Studsvik Scandpower (Studsvik) have today concluded agency and licence agreements which appoint Studsvik Scandpower as agent for the sale and distribution of NNL’s ENIGMA fuel perform

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New Shielded Microscope at Windscale Laboratory

A cross-lab team have successfully installed and commissioned a new optical microscope within the shielded cell facilities at NNL’s Windscale Laboratory, Sellafield

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One Day Seminar – “Research Needs, Post-Fukushima”

The Nuclear Group of the Energy Generation and Supply Knowledge Transfer Network is holding a high profile, one day seminar and workshop on ‘Research Needs, Post-Fukushima’

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HIP HIP Hooray

An NNL-led project to develop a glass ceramic wasteform to encapsulate plutonium residues using Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) has been shortlisted for the Institution of Chemical Engineers annual award for “Chemical Engineering Pro

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Paul Howarth – Nuclear Institute Lecture

NNL Managing Director, Paul Howarth, recently gave a lecture at the North West Branch of the Nuclear Institute

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European Nuclear Researchers To Tour UK Facilities

A group of 9 leading European nuclear fission researchers and specialists will visit key nuclear research facilities in the UK between the 24th and 27th October 2011

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Nuclear Power and the Environment

NNL are among the contributors in the latest volume of Issues in Environmental Science and Technology

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RadBall – Ready To Go!

NNL’s innovative radiation mapping device is now fully available to the UK market.

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