National Nuclear Laboratory


Industry News: UK Opinion Swinging Towards Nuclear

Over half of the respondents to a new public opinion survey feel that the UK should increase its nuclear capacity – and those living closest to existing nuclear plants are most strongly in favour of new nuclear

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NNL’s Unique Contribution: The Centrepiece – Corrosion Assessment

In this penultimate part of a series of six news items examining the unique contribution NNL makes to the onigoing operation of the HALES plants at Sellafield

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Industry News: European Support Rises

European support for nuclear power has grown by 7% in the last three years, and now virtually balances opposition.

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National Nuclear Laboratory – Ahead of the Game

Over the past few weeks, NNL has published a series of news items setting out the detail of how our unique contribution has helped Sellafield Ltd

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National Nuclear Laboratory Launches

The UK Government has today launched the new National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) for the UK

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Fun and Fascination in the Nuclear Industry

With the advent of nuclear new build, the newly formed National Nuclear Laboratory is collaborating with the educational charity The Smallpeice Trust to demonstrate the exciting opportunities available to the scientists and engine

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Gemstone to Power National Nuclear Laboratory

The UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory only got the official go-ahead last month but can already boast a High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) known as Gemstone to create and integrate 4D computer models

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NNL contributes to Environment Agency Consultations

The UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory has made submissions to two current consultations being run by the Environment Agency

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Industry News: US reactor uprates boost capacity

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has approved uprates to seven nuclear reactors over the last year, adding a further 249 MWe to overall US nuclear capacity

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Industry News: EDF to buy British Energy

British Energy (BE) is to be sold to Electricité de France (EdF) for £12.5 billion ($23.

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