National Nuclear Laboratory


NNL is Evolving

Since NNL was established in 2008, it has gone a long way towards transformation into a very different organisation.

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Nexia Solutions (formerly NSTS) Co-Sponsors International Nuclear Graphite Specialist Meeting

Together with the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII), Nexia Solutions is to co-sponsor the Fifth International Nuclear Graphite Specialists Meeting

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Nexia Solutions (formerly NSTS) hosts Generation IV System Steering Committee

Nexia Solutions is hosting the September 2004 Generation IV System Steering Committees meeting covering Advanced Nuclear Reactor Systems

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Off-site Test Facility West Cumbria

Nexia Solutions (formerly NSTS) will shortly open a new Off Site Test Rig facility in Workington, which will bring together all non-radioactive test rig work at a single site

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Partnerships and Collaborations

Nexia Solutions (formerly NSTS) has been looking at and learning from the experience of other businesses operating in similar circumstances and environments to develop technical partnerships and collaborations based on common chal

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BNFL Alfa and Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Team Review

Extensive restructuring within the nuclear industry in 2005 will see Nexia Solutions (formerly NSTS) providing technology support to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority(NDA) and other customers

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Nexia Solutions (formerly NSTS) University Research Alliance – Radiochemistry (Manchester)

With a business remit that includes the preservation and growth of the national nuclear technology skills’ base and capability, Nexia Solutions is keen, as part of its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to priorit

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Hayley Wins Apprentice of the Year Award

Nexia Solutions (formerly NSTS) Sellafield apprentice Hayley Shepherd has been named GENII Apprentice of the Year

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Launch of Nexia Solutions Limited

BNFL, International nuclear energy business today launches a new subsidiary company – Nexia Solutions Limited

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Treating Plutonium Residues

A new treatment process has been developed as a result of a collaboration between research organisations based in the UK and Australia

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