National Nuclear Laboratory


The next step for radioactive organic waste treatment at Sellafield…

A collaborative Arvia™ and National Nuclear Laboratory project to treat oils and solvents contaminated with high levels of alpha radiation is funded by the government-backed Technology Strategy Board

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NNL Laboratory Fellow wins Serco Pulse Award

NNL Laboratory Fellow, Steve Graham, based in the Engineering Modelling team at Chadwick, has won a Serco Pulse award for his excellent work in developing the ‘Flow Network Solver’

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NNL and Lloyd’s Register Lead Regulatory Event for Jordanian Nuclear Industry

The UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) and Lloyd’s Register have jointly led a major regulatory workshop in Amman, Jordan for a range of representatives of that country’s nuclear industry.

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NNL Partnership on Groundbreaking LaserSnake2

The UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) is pleased to announce that it has become a partner in an exciting collaborative R&D project worth £8 million

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Position Paper – Boiling Water Reactors

Following the recent acqusition of Horizon Nuclear Power by Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd, there is the possibility that Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) will be built in the UK over the next decade

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NNL Welcomes Major Developments in UK Nuclear R&D

The UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) today welcomed a series of Government announcements relating to the future of nuclear research and development in the UK

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NNL To Lead On Research Reactor Project

NNL welcomes today’s announcement that the UK is to become a member of the Jules Horowitz research reactor project, in France. NNL is particularly pleased to be asked to lead the UK’s involvement in this important work.

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Top Nuclear Scientist on Board at NNL

The UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) is pleased to welcome Dr Richard Stainsby, who joins as Chief Technologist in the Fuel Cycle Solutions business.

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NNL is a partner in the innovation driven…

Do you have technology applicable to autonomous systems mission management applications?

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Launch of Major New Innovation Programme for Cumbria

NNL have been involved in the launch of an exciting new Cumbria based technology development programme…

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