National Nuclear Laboratory

Jessica Hyde

  • The University of Manchester – School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science
  • Academic Supervisors: Phillip Martin, Bernard Treves Brown and Patricia Scully
  • Industrial Supervisor: Jeremy Hastings
  • Project timeline: Sep 2017 to Sep 2021
  • Research areas of interest: Optical fibre sensors and distributed sensing
  • Academic Qualifications: Masters of Physics – Salford University
  • University profile, LinkedIn page

Remote optical fibre sensing of a pond’s pH, temperature, turbidity, and some chemical species

My project aims to design and develop distributed optical fibre sensors capable monitor pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and carbonates. The sensors would monitor these parameters at multiple points along their lengths in the FGMSP (First Generation Magnox Storage Pond), a legacy pond on Sellafield site. This would allow the acquisition of bulk data; which so far, with the use of individual probes and sampling has not been possible; to validate/ improve current models of the pond’s behaviour and aid in the decommissioning of the FGMSP. I decided to join CINDe and do an industrial based PhD because I would like my research to be used and have impact in the real world.


Conference poster: J A Hyde, P Martin, B T Brown, P J Scully and J Hastings, Optical fibre sensing of pH, temperature, turbidity and chemical species for nuclear industry applications, PHOTON 2018, Birmingham, UK

J A Hyde, P Martin, B T Brown, P J Scully and J Hastings, Remote optical fibre sensing of a ponds pH, temperature, turbidity and some chemical species, Nuclear Frontiers 2019, Bristol , UK – (awarded best poster)

Oral presentations:

J A Hyde, Remote optical fibre sensors: pH, temperature, turbidity & chemical species for active ponds, PHLAME 2019, Manchester, UK
