National Nuclear Laboratory

Advanced Fuel Cycle Programme

Nuclear science is positioned to play a key role in the UK’s clean energy transition. To fuel a net zero future, we are uniting a network of over 100 global organisations through the Advanced Fuel Cycle Programme (AFCP).

A photograph of a lake and mountains in Cumbria. Over the photo is a white dynamic wave pattern overlaid with the logo for the Advanced Fuel Cycle Programme (AFCP).

AFCP pioneers a uniquely collaborative strategy. The programme not only connects industry, academia, national laboratories and Government, but its eleven technical projects also work closely together to deliver integrated innovation. Through this unified approach, AFCP is future-proofing the deployment of advanced fuel cycle science and technology while elevating essential infrastructure, skills and people for generations to come.

Part of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) £505m Energy Innovation Programme, AFCP is supporting the UK’s commitment to reach net zero by 2050. An advanced fuel cycle comprises both clean energy and sustainable recycling options, meaning that AFCP is considering the long-term environmental, social and economic impacts of nuclear science within the UK’s clean energy mix.

An infographic showing a white map of the UK over a green background. On the map are many blue dots indicating different locations across the country. Next to the map is a white circle with the text "Delivered by over 90 UK organisations".

In partnership with BEIS, NNL is proudly leading AFCP as the UK’s largest nuclear fission investment in a generation. The programme is expanding NNL’s existing world-class facilities, engaging over 175 of our colleagues in its delivery and strengthening our cross-sector relationships to advance the role of nuclear science in the UK’s evolving low-carbon landscape.

Together, we are #FuellingNetZero for a clean energy future.

Discover more on AFCP’s website.
