National Nuclear Laboratory

NNL SciTec 2019

Time to Deliver Real Action

Our SciTec 2019 event, held in Birmingham in September, brought together around 130 leaders from 40 organisations – both nuclear and non-nuclear – to consider the Future of the Nuclear Industry.

Highlights and interviews from SciTec 2019

Collaboration in action

NNL’s Chief Scientist, Professor Andrew Sherry delivered the opening address, reflecting on the drivers for change in the nuclear industry and drawing comparisons to the evolution of the Space industry; a heavily regulated industry that successfully evolved through different thinking, new investment and a new approach to regulation.

Dr Tim Stone, Chairman of the Nuclear Industry Association, followed with a keynote speech that supported the need for change in the industry; for the future of our children and grandchildren. He highlighted the critical role of innovation and challenged the audience to act to forge a different future where nuclear is at the heart of net-zero.

Innovation through action

A series of thought-provoking workshops followed, which collaboratively and creatively explored the role of nuclear in the delivery of net-zero through innovation in collaboration, technology, leadership and regulation.

Innovative technologies: explored how innovative technology is addressing challenging ways of working. This included focus on creation of new software and use of drones to map radioactivity levels.
Collaboration and supply chain: looked at barriers and opportunities to innovation in the sector; and examined the use of artificial intelligence and programmes designed to accelerate innovation.
Culture and leadership: focused on the role of leadership and culture; and how having the right mindset, skills and tools helps to deliver innovation.
Innovation and regulation: examined how a closer relationship and early engagement with regulators can smooth the way for innovation in the industry.

Call to action

The final session of the day was a panel session which had one clear call to action: “Work together at all levels across the sector, go beyond conversations and deliver real action.”
