National Nuclear Laboratory

Waste Management

The nuclear industry has a responsibility to the public and future generations to ensure we have solutions for all aspects of nuclear energy. The way we deal with waste is just as important as the operations of nuclear assets.

NNL can advise on all waste management solutions, providing independent expertise and evaluation. Our research capability can support our customers to adapt or develop new techniques and technology in order to achieve a safe, environmentally responsible, and cost effective solution. We undertake all aspects of chemical and physical waste analysis and waste categorisation which can then be deployed to develop new processing techniques and develop new technologies.

Our diverse technical skill base draws on a wealth of knowledge to deliver core services in waste management:

  • Immobilisation Technologies
  • Chemical and Process Development
  • Waste Behaviour and Materials
  • Vitrification

In addition, we work on bespoke services to meet our customer’s needs and frequently work with partners to provide a more comprehensive or tested solution to our customers; developing technology to be ready to use.

Our unique combination of facilities, skills and accessible knowledge base mean we can undertake processing of specific wastes and residues which often cannot be handled by any other facility.

If you’re interested in finding out what we can do for you, please get in touch.
