National Nuclear Laboratory

Strategic Research and Development

The research projects that we undertake and our support for other’s research, help inform the shape of new advanced nuclear markets and so contributes to low carbon energy growth.

We work in collaboration with the UK government to realise the environmental and economic opportunities that the global nuclear industry can bring to the UK. By bringing together academia and industry alongside our own subject matter experts we can develop innovative and fit for purpose solutions. Our support to government agencies is to develop and sustain key skills and capabilities, build international collaboration, and grow the next generation of subject matter experts. In this way, whatever pathway the UK takes in the future, as a nuclear nation we will be equipped to respond and support.

Part of our remit from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is to make our facilities available to the wider scientific community and so enable the academic world to progress important lines of nuclear related research.

We support the UK nuclear sector to deliver competitive advantage on the world stage, working in partnership with industry and academia. Access to world-leading facilities such as our Central Laboratory and Dalton Cumbrian Facility is vital for pioneering research to enable the UK to stay at the cutting edge of nuclear.

Read about how we’ve been working with the European Space Agency to develop new battery technology.
