National Nuclear Laboratory

Phone Numbers and Visitors Information

If you have a specific request, please use the Contact Us form. However, if you want to call one of our site locations, you can use the following numbers:

Central Laboratory, Sellafield

+44 (0)1946 779 001
Click here to download information for visitors to Sellafield

Chadwick House
+44 (0)1925 933 744
Click here to download information for visitors to Chadwick House

+44 (0)1925 933 744

+44 (0)1772 963 995
Click here to download information for visitors to Preston

+44 (0)1925 933 744

+44 (0)1946 779 000

+44 (0)1925 933 744

Please note that the number we use for some sites is our Chadwick House number. Additionally, some of these numbers do not have a voicemail facility so you may have to call back if there’s no answer. Alternatively, you can use our Contact Us form.
