Wednesday 24 November 2021
NDA requests applicants for its bursary scheme
The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is requesting applications to its PDRA bursary scheme, that is targeted at predominately risk and assurance, environment, and sustainability subjects. Applications are welcome from academics with experience outside the nuclear sector where research and skills are transferable for these areas.
The call for proposals sets out a number of specific challenges against two broad themes:
- Theme 1: Risk and Assurance
- Theme 2: Environment and Sustainability
The NDA’s goals for the scheme are as follows:
- Maintain and develop the key technical skills that will be required to help us carry out the mission over the coming decades
- Provide fundamental understanding of technologies and processes across the NDA estate
- Encourage two-way knowledge transfer between the academic and industrial communities working on nuclear decommissioning
Universities and Research Institutes are invited to make proposals within the scope of the call. Up to £500,000* is available and it is anticipated that up-to 3 projects will be funded in this year’s call.
- For a description of the call research topics please review the following attachment
- For a description of the assessment process, please review the following attachment
- To submit an application, please visit the following site
Further information on the NDA’s research needs can be found at the following links:
- Background to research across the NDA estate (link –
- NDA mission annual progress report (link-
Proposals must be submitted online by 15:00 on Thursday 10th March 2022.
*Subject to confirmation of Spending Review settlements.
NNL is partnering with Arup to deliver this scheme, who will be able to provide technical guidance in support of research proposals into this programme. NNL and Arup will be jointly hosting a seminar with NDA in December 2021 or January 2022 where we will share further background to the topics and share case studies where we have applied similar research both across the NDA estate and in sectors outside the nuclear industry.
To register interest for the dissemination event, please contact
Further information on the scheme, the assessment criteria and selection process are available within the documents posted on the NNL website. If you have any additional questions please contact the administrator, Dr Mark Bankhead directly at the following email address