National Nuclear Laboratory


Tuesday 1 August 2017

NDA PhD Bursary 2018

The National Nuclear Laboratory, on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, is pleased to announce the 2018 PhD bursary call for proposals.

Funding will be available to UK academic institutions for PhD projects and to SMEs seeking ‘top-up’ funding for CASE awards and EngDocs in relevant areas. Only project proposals with a total cost to NDA of less than £100,000 will be considered (excluding cost of any collaboration with US research organisations). Eligible projects will include PhD projects involving universities or subcontractors where the bursary is used as a grant top-up in order to access national facilities for research involving the handling of radioactive materials.

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To comply with the Government’s protective security procedures all employees/contractors will be subject to an Industry Assurance check and a level of National Security vetting. Proposals will be assessed by a group of nuclear industry specialists. Contractual arrangements will be administered by the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) on behalf of the NDA.

Proposals must be submitted using the application form available on the link below and need to be submitted online by 15:00 on Monday 9th October 2017.

Further information on the scheme the assessment criteria and selection process is also available by contacting the administrator, Dr Mark Bankhead ( and within the documents posted on the NNL website below.

Please click on the following links for more information:

NDA Bursary Call 2018 Submission page

NDA Bursary Call 2018 Additional Information

NDA Bursary Call 2018 Advert

Q&A Session on the call themes

NNL will be hosting Q&A sessions on each of the call themes in the last two weeks of August/ 1st week of September. These will be held subject to demand. To register your interest please can you contact Nick Tipple,

Links to presentations will be uploaded to the links below when available: